What to Pack for an Alaska Cruise
So, you’ve booked your cruise and you’re ready to check off that next item on your bucket list. Now that you are a few weeks away, you are thinking about things to pack for an Alaska Cruise in July. Congratulations for thinking ahead! My goal is to help your Alaska vacation live up to all you’ve dreamed. The biggest danger you face going on this adventure of a lifetime is the potential for your dream vacation to drain your bank account.
Our strategy at Things to Do in Alaska is to help you strike a balance. Having the quality gear you need without leaving you broke or in debt. Some of the items you use on your Alaskan Cruise will only be used once. Then you might shove them to the back of the closet never to see the light of day again. That’s why we encourage you to be wise as you begin to purchase your gear.
The recommendations on our “Alaska Cruise Packing List” are the items you’ll need to make your Alaskan vacation an epic adventure. But we make sure to suggest items that are reasonably priced while not sacrificing the quality and durability you’ll need on your Alaskan cruise.

Our strategy at Things to Do in Alaska is to help you strike a balance between having the quality gear you need without leaving you broke or in debt.
Three Ways to Use our Alaska Cruise Packing List for July
- CLICK HERE to download the PDF version and use it as a hard copy Alaskan Cruise Packing List.
- Refer to the list below and click on any item to reveal more information and/or my suggestions.
- CLICK HERE for my “ideas page” on Amazon to see a single page with all the items I recommend for your Alaska cruise.

Things to Pack on an Alaska Cruise
With all the water around you and the number of documents you'll be carrying, you'll want some sort of protection from the elements. This document carrying pouch is water resistant and safe. I like this case for size and convenience and the fact that it carries around your neck. It also has plenty of room and organization capability to make storing and accessing those documents easy and fast.
Any water resistant/proof pouch will do. It's all about function.
Don't forget to download the app for your airline and store your boarding pass on your phone. Or if you're like me and prefer "old school," print your boarding pass out at home and take the paper copy. I would recommend not going through the hassle of printing it out at the airport kiosk. Save yourself some precious time and do it before you leave the house! Use a highlighting pen to highlight important information like gate number and loading time. The airport is stressful enough when you are taking a big trip, no one needs to worry about trying to decipher all the information on the ticket.
Don't forget this or you'll regret it! Take it from a man who has made this mistake. Your extended visit with the security guys will not be pleasant. Strange hands are not meant to be in those place! Keep your ID easily accessible at all times as you make your way through the airport.
Check with your airline and cruise line to see if you need a passport. However, I usually take my passport anytime I fly for a backup ID and credibility if needed for whatever reason. It could save you A LOT of time and hassle!
Sure! Your car rental company should have the information on file. But, I have arrived before and not been found in "the system." Having your information on hand, including your confirmation number could be the difference in driving away from the airport and trying to figure out another option. Especially during the busy Alaska tourism months of June and July. Of course, you will not need a rental car unless you are arriving early or staying longer to extend your vacation. On a couple of cruises, we rented a car simply to enjoy the countryside on one of our shore days. It can be a great way to go at your own pace and really see Alaska!
Everything you can do to speed up the processes will make your Alaska cruise more enjoyable. Go ahead and keep the documents from the cruise line easily accessible. The sooner you get boarded on that boat, the sooner you can sit back, relax and enjoy your vacation.
Days inland are a ton of fun on your Alaska cruise! Plan wisely.
The safest way to book excursions is through the cruise line. There are lots of available options, you are covered by your cruise line insurance, and you are almost certain to make it back in plenty of time to board before departure.
There are more budget friendly options. You can book your own excursion and take your chances. You may also find availability and deep discounts to hop on board one of the excursion options you ship offers by waiting until you are on land. In that scenario, however, insurance would not be included from the Cruise line.
cruisecritic.com has excellent reviews and information about Alaskan shore excursions. Click HERE or on the picture to learn more.
One of the most scenic ways to see A LOT of Alaska is to take a day trip on the Alaska Railroad. There are several options, but if you are in port at Seward, definitely consider the Seward to Anchorage round-trip in a day. See beautiful views of mountains, Kenai River and the spectacular Turnagain Arm.
If you choose not to take advantage of the cruise line shore excursion system, you can book your train tickets HERE.
Basic Clothing
Don't forget your everyday socks. These can be cotton, wool, or whatever is most comfortable for you. These are for wearing around the ship, so keep it casual! Your hiking/excursion socks will be listed in the hiking gear section. Take at least one pair for each day with a couple extra in case they get wet or muddy.
Click HERE for some options from Amazon.
Moisture-wicking shirts are best with moisture, water and perspiration you'll experience. They also dry quickly if they get wet. But again, these are primarily for your time on the ship. Make them comfy! When the weather is cool at night it might help to dress in layers. Undershirts are a good layering tool. Take at least one of each underwear and undershirt per day.
Click HERE for my suggestion.
Moisture-wicking, breathable, lightweight shirts with UV protection are perfect for packing for an Alaska cruise. A brand that has great reviews from customers and is more reasonably priced than the bigger brands is Little Donkey Andy. They have a great selection in striking colors and carry shirts for both men and women. Check them out HERE as an alternative to the more expensive brands.
Blue jeans are a great option for roaming around the boat, especially on cool nights and mornings. And don't forget, you'll want to bring some slacks for the more formal evening meal or if you take formal pictures on the ship. If you don't get them dirty, you can double up days to save the packing weight on these items. Jeans can get heavy!
One of the most important items you'll pack are your shorts. In my article, "The Best Hiking Pants for Alaska," I introduce you to the Columbia Silver Ridge convertible pants. These great pants offer zip-off legs and serve to really lighten the load of your suitcase! Consider purchasing two pairs of these and convert them from hiking pants to shorts. It's a great 2-in-1 product and at a reasonable price. These great hiking pants come in men's and women's cuts.
Click HERE to Review and Buy the Pants
YES! You may, in fact, go swimming in Alaska. At lease in the heated pool and/or hot tub. And who knows, you may even end up taking the Polar Plunge in some "almost" icy waters.
Don't forget to pack you swimsuits!
We'll go into hiking boots later in the list under the hiking gear section, but in the meantime, don't forget to pack shoes! I'd recommend 2 pairs of sneakers and 1 pair of casual dress for nice nights out for dinner on the ship. Make sure you have at least one pair of comfy walking shoes to make your rounds around the boat. And you may want to take a pair of crocs or sandals for the pool, hot tub, or gym.
Click HERE for some nice cruise options.
As far as a belt goes, for men I'd highly recommend the Groove Belt by Groove Life. This super comfortable stretch belt is comfortable in any situation. AND it looks good with both casual and more formal attire! It's really the only belt you need for both ship and shore. It comes in several colors and prints and has a killer 94-year no BS warranty. Don't miss this one!
Click HERE to buy
These are easy to forget! Don't forget a set of clothes for nighttime and for the gym! You can always make do with what you've got, but this little extra detail makes your time on the boat just a bit more enjoyable.
Cool Weather Clothing
I'm just throwing this in there for you cold natured Alaskan travelers! In July you most likely will not need base layers unless you are planning on a cold weather excursion on a glacier. The average temperature in Alaska in July is 65˚ Fahrenheit in the day and 48˚ in the evening. The weather is beautiful most of the time. However, if you are nervous about cold weather, you can get an affordable base layer just in case. Do not go high tech on this item if you are traveling to Alaska in the summer. If you are going to get a base layer, look for one that is breathable and quick drying, like the link below.
Click HERE to buy base layer for men.
Click HERE to buy base layer for women.
The nights will get cool, especially as you walk the deck of the cruise ship in Alaska. The wind can be a force to reckon with at times as well. A light weight jacket is a must to have with you at most times during your Alaskan cruise. There are thousands to choose from, but as always we recommend striking a balance between quality and price. If you are going to use this jacket back at home, then go ahead and dive in a little deeper. But, if you are looking for something just to use on your Alaska vacation, keep it low budget.
This is a good opportunity to select an item that will crossover between your onboard and on-shore wardrobe. The Charles River Apparel Pack-n-Go Pullover is a great jacket for both scenarios. And it is priced right!
Click HERE to buy both men and women versions of this jacket.
Walking those ship decks at night or early morning hikes may be chilly! Not to mention the windy mornings and evenings on the Alaska waterways. Pack a light weight scarf to carry with you to cover up you face. This is also great for keeping your lips from getting wind-chapped on those daytime outings.
Click HERE to buy gaiter.
I would recommend not leaving behind your good pair of gloves, however, don't overdo it. You can be expecting 60's-70's in the day and 40's-50's at night! A lightweight pair of gloves is all you need to keep your hands warm. Check out the ones below to balance budget and durability. Look for a multi-purpose glove that can be used on your outdoor excursions as well, like the Glacier Glove Original Kenai.
Click HERE to buy gloves.
I'll mention this again in the hiking section, but wool socks are a must for your Alaska trip. God gave sheep wool for a reason! Wools ability to wick water and dry quickly is perfect for the Alaskan terrain and weather. Wool is also very warm just in case you catch a cold July day in Alaska. Our goal to balance price and quality led us to the Wigwam Merino Comfort Hiker and we love them! I've been using Wigwam hiking socks for over 15 years. I wouldn't use anything else. Buy them in 2-packs and save more!
Click HERE to buy Wigwam Comfort Hikers.
Grab a couple of sweat shirts and sweaters and stuff them in your bag to keep warm. Moisture wicking hoodies are the best! A nice sweater is also a great choice to bring for those fancier night-time meals and late-night walks on the ship. Columbia has a GREAT moisture wicking hoodie on Amazon. Find it at the link below.
Click HERE to buy men's hoodie.
Click HERE to buy women's hoodie.
Miscellaneous for the Boat
The weather on an Alaska cruise can be cool, but the sun can be intense! Make sure to bring the appropriate sunscreen. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends you use an SPF 30 or higher. You should reapply sunscreen every 2 hours if you are outdoors. It is also recommended to use water-resistant sunscreen so it doesn't get washed off as quickly. Click HERE for the Coppertone SPF 50 water-resistant sunscreen.
Sunshades are a necessity on a cruise. Especially if you plan to do the icefields or glacier hikes. Look for glasses with UV protection that are polarized. We recommend floating sunshades. And of course look for a balance of quality and price. Our recommended shades for your Alaska cruise are the RUNCLE Polarized Sports Sunglasses.
Click HERE to buy them on Amazon.
You'll be walking around the boat often. It's easier to not put on your tennis shoes or dress shoes for short trips or trips to the pool and hot tub. So don't forget sandals or flip-flops when you are packing for your Alaska vacation! We like a balance between comfort, durability and cost. For a couple of options check out the Adidas Alphabounce Sandal at approximately 35.00 or the Birkenstock Unisex Arizona Essentials. Both are a good balanced sandal.
You never know what kinds of sounds you will encounter when trying to sleep. Earplugs can save the night and day and help you get the sleep you need to make your Alaska vacation an epic adventure. Keep it simple with something like these highly rated Zallk noise-canceling earplugs. Click HERE to buy them on Amazon.
Your cruise could see daylight hours in excess of 20 hours! It's one of the most surprising aspects of an Alaskan vacation. You'll probably have blackout blinds in your cabin, but just in case, you may want to think about bringing a sleeping mask on your Alaskan cruise. Look for a mask that has a good fit and comfortable material.
Click HERE to see our recommendation.
First Aid and Hygiene
Don't forget your meds!
Most cruise ships do not have full pharmacies. You will find a shop dedicated to over-the-counter meds and supplies to help with common ailments. But, make sure you pack all of your prescription meds. Instead of taking all your pill bottles, you might consider purchasing a travel pill organizer like the one below. CLICK HERE to check it out.
You never know what you are going to get on a cruise when it comes to waves and rocking. Be prepared even if you don't have a history of motion sickness. My recommendation for a once-a-day motion sickness pill in Bonine (CLICK HERE to purchase.) It seems that the drowsiness effect is less than the other brands. Bonine has been around for a long time and is trusted and highly rated. Read the instructions as it may require taking a dosage before your trip for best results.
There are a ton of devices on the market that seem to help with motion sickness. There are a variety of wristbands and patches on the market. Here is a link to search for all the options.
You never know what you're going to run into on an Alaskan hike. For example, the dreaded cow parsnip plant can wreak havoc on a vacation. The old boy scout motto "Be Prepared" can be your best friend when you are in the wilderness of Alaska. Think through all of the things that may happen to you on an Alaska outing and take what you need to be ready to treat minor injuries. Instead of trying to pack all the small items up yourself, you may find this compact kit to be all you need for your Alaskan cruise. It's only 3x10x7 inches and has 140 different items. Packable and sufficient.
Yes! You may get sunburned in Alaska!
There is A LOT of sun in the Alaska summertime. You may see as much as 20 hours of daylight. Be prepared with sunscreen and sunburn ointment. I shared my preferred sunscreen earlier in this list, but HERE is a good sunburn ointment to pack just in case. The 2-oz. bottle is packable and very effective.
Don't forget your shaving cream and razor!
Here is a fun travel set for women. It packs up really small and has a short handle to not take up too much space on those tiny counters in your stateroom.
And check this one out for men.
Yes! It's true.
There are times and places in Alaska where the mosquitos and no-see-ums will carry you away both by their size and volume!
Especially if you are doing outdoor shore excursions, you'll want to take a strong version of DEET with you. 100% DEET is not good for the long haul, but it will certainly get you through some tough times for the short run. Ben's 100% DEET is as good as it gets on the market and will last up to 10 hours. CLICK HERE to check out their sizes and prices.
It can be VERY windy in Alaska!
That leads to chapped lips, especially if the weather gets chilly.
There's not much better lip balm on the market that Burt's Bees. It's 100% natural and comes in a bunch of flavors. CLICK HERE to see your options.
Lip balm or chap stick is a "must-have" item on an Alaskan cruise.
This is a reminder for the ladies on the cruise. Pack a weeks supply of these necessary products to make your trip more comfortable and enjoyable.
For Day Hiking in Alaska
No need to carry that heavy pack full of gear for a simple day hike. Trust me - when climbing an Alaskan mountain you want to have the least weight possible.
There are tons of great day packs on the market. You may already have a favorite brand. But, HERE is my recommendation for a great day pack that will provide all you need to have a breath-taking hike to the summit. And it will not break your budget!
The single most important item you will have on a hiking excursion in Alaska is a good pair of hiking boots.
I spent a lot of time researching, testing and education Alaska travelers on the best hiking boot in an article you can FIND HERE.
Hop on over to that page and find out my favorite pair of reasonably priced durable hiking boots for the Alaskan cruise shore excursion.
Trekking poles will help take a lot of weight and pressure off your feet and legs when you are hiking in Alaska.
This ARTICLE will help direct you to the best set of durable and affordable trekking poles for your upcoming cruise to Alaska.
There are a lot of great hiking pants on the market!
The key is to find a durable pair of pants with the technology needed in Alaska at a fair price.
That's how I landed on my favorite Alaska hiking pants in THIS ARTICLE. Hop over and read all the details about why I think these are the best hiking pants for a short-term trip to Alaska.
Moisture-wicking, breathable, lightweight shirts with UV protection are perfect for packing for an Alaska cruise. A brand that has great reviews from customers and is more reasonably priced than the bigger brands is Little Donkey Andy. They have a great selection in striking colors and carry shirts for both men and women. Check them out HERE as an alternative to the more expensive brands.
Yes, you will get very thirsty hiking in Alaska in the middle of the summer.
I always find it super convenient to have a water bladder stashed away in my day pack. It's more convenient that trying to carry a water bottle around with you. There are a ton of quality and relatively inexpensive bladders on the market. HERE is my recommendation. It is a 100-oz leak-proof bladder that will store away nicely in your day pack.
Socks are the most important item in your arsenal next to hiking boots!
As a matter of fact, you can have great boots that perform terribly due to poor socks. Make sure to invest just a little in a great pair of moisture wicking wool socks. They will help your Alaskan day hike not be your worst nightmare. CLICK HERE to see my recommendation for wool hiking socks. The best fabric for great hiking socks is Merino wool.
The summer sun in Alaska can be pretty intense.
I recommend a baseball cap or hat for your outdoor excursion in Alaska. There are a million on the market of course. Pick our favorite, but if you're looking for a recommendation, the GearTOP Boonie hat is always a fun and functional choice.
Yes! It's true.
There are times and places in Alaska where the mosquitos and no-see-ums will carry you away both by their size and volume!
Especially if you are doing outdoor shore excursions, you'll want to take a strong version of DEET with you. 100% DEET is not good for the long haul, but it will certainly get you through some tough times for the short run. Ben's 100% DEET is as good as it gets on the market and will last up to 10 hours. CLICK HERE to check out their sizes and prices.
It's super important to stash a set of rain gear in your day pack when hiking in Alaska!
A while back I spent a lot of time researching and testing the best rain gear for Alaska. CLICK HERE to read that article and then hop over to purchase this great set of rain gear from Amazon.
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